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While a direct democracy may sound well and good, there are several problems. First, important decisions that need to be made quickly are bogged down when collecting votes; unless there is a fast-acting legislative body or executive power, issues such as national defense can be severely hampered by waiting for votes on an issue. Second, the general public is often uneducated and unfamiliar with political decisions and their aftermath; having a direct democracy would be like having everyone fix their own pipes, rather than just paying a plumber. Third, the creation of legislation would be infeasible; how can you have an entire nation write a bill? Fourth, requiring citizens to vote on day-to-day decisions and administrative actions would take up too much time; and, those who were more politically active or had more time on their hands would have more say than those who either didn't frequently vote on issues or were too busy to bother.

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9y ago

It would have been impossible for every American to vote on every possible law. Too many people and too much time would have been spent on voting.

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13y ago

Because the rich prick people governing us think that the common person is to stupid to decide who leads them

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Q: Why didn't the US establish a direct democracy?
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Does the US have a direct democracy?

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Why doesnt the US have a direct democracy?

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Direct democracy does not exist in the US. The US exercises indirect democracy, which means that the people elect representatives, such as congressmen, senators, governors, and the president. It is these people who handle legislation. Direct democracy means that the people vote on bills themselves (directly). Instances of direct democracy were found only in the ancient world.

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Representative. We vote for people to represent us.

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No, we're a republic.

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The US is a representative democracy, not a direct democracy. The Founders thought that the American people needed to have distance from the policies that would be considered to prevent mob-rule and keep voting among the more educated persons.

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