Racism, in its simplest form, is the dislike of another because of race, creed or color. It is as simple as that. People have, and will, always dislike others based on looks.
The Greeks, looked down on the Asian people, the Asian people down on the European people. The Romans on all that didn't come from Rome.
The 'normal' people dislike the handicapped, this is how Attia the Hun took power. He accepted the shunned, the handicapped 'mongoloid', known as the Mongol's. The Egyptian's hated the Jew's, all hated the Samaritans.
The Nazi's, (German's) so beheld looks that they raised the blond hair blue eyed, 'Aryan race', above all others. The Muslim Brotherhood hold's one shade of Brown skin over another. Some Psychiatrist's look at this as trained 'racism', while others believe it to be the 'fear' of difference.
In truth racism can never be ended, for in it's simplest form it is how one picks a mate over others. But this form of racism is good because it is not based in race, creed, or color; but of love.
In truth, we as a people are weak of flesh but, if we understand personal responsibility and hold all people to the valve of personal responsibility only then can we hold racism and all other evils to a minimum.
Sociologists believe that when light skin is valued in a culture, those who are darker skinned may become the victims of discrimination. In American culture, whiteness and a European "look" was considered the norm, and as a result, blackness was associated (unfairly) with lesser status. A by-product of favoring light skin is that darker skinned blacks were treated less favorably than lighter-skinned blacks (who had features more closely aligned with the European norm). Even today, there are lighter-skinned black people who consider themselves superior to (and more attractive than) darker-skinned blacks: film-maker Spike Lee commented about this phenomenon in the movie "School Daze."
According to muslimsinamerica.org, the man was a Muslim and his name was Salim the Algerian.
They have the basic powers of a regular angel and can manipulate both light and dark magic. They mostly use dark magic but they are not completely taken over by evil so they can also do light magic. They were the ones who created the vampires and so they have some traits that can be similar to vampires but a lot stronger. They are able to defeat enemies more powerful than themselves if they become a full ethereal angel with control over light and dark to make themselves stronger than an archangel
Sworn to the Dark was created on 2007-02-19.
During the Dark Ages, cloth in Europe was made out of wool or linen. It was laborious to make and very expensive.
A galaxy is a large collection of matter bound together by gravity. Visibly, a galaxy consists of stars and nebulae, along with dust clouds detectable because they block the light from stars. The stars may nor may not have planets, asteroids, or comets. In addition there are gas clouds which can be found because they alter light that passes through them. The final component is what scientists have named "dark matter", because except for its gravitational influence it can't be detected.
Stevie wonder is black so therefore he is dark-skinned.
dark skinned
she is light skinned in mixed race
People in Ireland are light-skinned.
Brown skin
jaden smith likes dark skinned and light skin girls. It's not the color that matters , it's the personality that counts.
its about 50/50, but mostly depending on the skin to of the grand parents
A lot of people tend to depict light skinned girls as being more "attractive." Take for example... Beyonce, Mya, Keisha Chante, Keri Hilson, Mariah Carey, Alicia Keys..etc. But I don't really think that one race can outshine the other. There are light skinned AND dark skinned girls who are beautiful. We all have flaws within ourselves. I'm lightskinned, but even still I take offense when all you see in the media or magazines are light skinned girls. I have dark skinned friends, and my older sister is dark skinned or brown skinned. Each and every shade is beautiful, no matter how light, and no matter how dark.
yes yes yes also because the child may inherit someones skin colour in the family who is also light skinned
no, nigerians come all different shades, some are light skinned, brown complexion and dark complexion but the majority of them are black.
Wear whatever color that suits your mood or whatever color you like.