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Peoples in the ghettos of Baltimore don't. Yo son...they gots to look proper "G".

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Q: Why do you take your hats off when saying the pledge of allegiance?
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What will you promise when you take the oath of citizenship in Canada?

pledge loyalty to the queen, observe the laws and fulfill the duties of a canadian

What are the failures of Emilio Aguinaldo as a president?

Emilio Aguinaldo failed to win the war against the United States. In 1901, he was forced to take an oath of allegiance to the United States.

Where were the Acadians deported to?

Tension and mistrust arising from the war between New France and 13 English colonies led to the expulsion of the Acadians. The British thought the Acadians were a threat to appropriation of the land. The Acadians also failed to make an unqualified oath of allegiance to the British Crown.

How many senators and representatives does it take to pass a bill in the United States Congress?

People have been saying 2/3 vote, but that's not the answer to the question. honestly, I don't know! I've been trying to figure out the same thing!

What is the order of eastern star pledge?

"Password is- and it is explained as an acronym- Fairest Among Thousands Altogether Lovely- FATAL. countersign is- ( what else?) Assault! let us hope they do not translate words into action, otherwise-" The Order of the Eastern Star does not have a pledge. We take an obligation to bind us to the order. Our cabalistic word is indeed FATAL and the motto is Fairest Among Thousands All Together Lovely, however there is NO response, much less Assault. I can not think of the word assault appearing anywhere in our ritual. Eastern Star is a fraternal organization dedicated to Charity, Truth, and Loving kindness. While its teachings are biblical, is not a religion, and it certainly is not Satanic. We support many charitable projects - cancer research, scholarships, service dogs, alzeihemers research, to name a few.

Related questions

What does pledge?

to promise something, " i pledge to keep milford clean" It means and is defined as the promise or commitment to something, such as a Pledge of Allegiance, a commitment to allegiance, or a promise to take responsibility for ones nation. A pledge can also be an agreement, such as a "pledge to compromise"

What is the new Pledge of Allegiance as modified by Trump and the Republicans and when will it take effect?

There are no plans that I'm aware of for the pledge of allegiance to be changed.

How do you show respect for your flag?

You can salute if you are a soldier, or you can put your hand over your heart as if saying the pledge. You could say the pledge. Most of the time, men take of headgear(i.e., hats, bandannas, etc.)

How do you show respect for the US flag?

1. NEVER DROP IT. 2. When saying the pledge, take off anything on your head(sombrero, baseball-cap, hats, etc.)

When was the date sam Houston refused to pledge allegiance?

On 2 March 1861 he refused to take the oath to the Confederate States.

What does pledge mean?

to promise something, " i pledge to keep milford clean" It means and is defined as the promise or commitment to something, such as a Pledge of Allegiance, a commitment to allegiance, or a promise to take responsibility for ones nation. A pledge can also be an agreement, such as a "pledge to compromise"

Why should you honor our military daily?

we should always honor them, because of their sacrifices, we're free and we have our own rights...its sad how America takes everything for granted. at least when saying the pledge of allegiance, we should just take a couple seconds to think about them:)

When you say your national anthem and the pledge how you show that you love you country?

look at am American flag put right hand over your heart take off hats

What is the 'Pledge of Allegiance'?

The Pledge of Allegiance is an oath of loyalty and commitment to the United States of America. It is usually recited at the beginning of school days, public events, and government meetings. The pledge expresses patriotism and unity among citizens.

How do you pledge for Disney friends for change?

first go onto and then scroll down to the bottom of the page and there should a button to click once you click on it, it will take you to the page and on the right side of the page you should see the buttons saying to pledge. just click on those and it will take you to the page to make a pledge

Why should they take god out of the pledge?

There has been debate in the past few years whether or not to take it out. People that are agnostic, atheist, or of different religions may think that it isn't right to have the name of a religious being to be in something that kids say everyday at school in a secular country.Though it should be noted that students (or anyone for that matter) aren't required to say the Pledge of Allegiance.

How can you influence friends to be proud to be an American?

take off your hat while the National Anthem is being sung or the Pledge of Allegiance is being recited show respect to the flag and soldiers during a presentation about flags or during a parade