Homer's stories - the Iliad and the Odyssey - were written down at best 400 years after he was supposed to have lived (it is doubted by most historians today whether he did actually ever exist at all). The stories came out of a number of very early Greek epic poems, verbally transmitted over the generations and very probably embellished a bit eacht time.
We know today for a fact that in the time the Iliad supposedly played out, Greece in reality still was a fairly primitive society; and of all those great kings and heroes - including Odysseus - never a shred of hard archeaological evidence has turned up.
The same goes for Troy itself. Only one man - Heinrich Schliemann - was absolutely convinced that not only Troy had existed, but that he had also figured out where exactly it had been. He started digging in that area and (finally) not one, but seven cities were dug up on top of each other, the stones of the old city always being used to build the new one.
Only one of these seven cities showed traces of ever having been in flames, but the period in which that city existed does not match the period in which the Iliad played out. Schliemann also found a lot of golden artifacts that he dubbed 'the treasures of Troy', but those came out of ruins that certainly could not have been ancient Troy.
So basically, the existence of Troy never has been proven. We also know that Greece in the Troy period had no great kings and heroes, only small and primitive communities with village elders. And we know that the Iliad and Odyssey started out as collections of poems that have changed much over the centuries before finally being written down.
Homer's epic poems, such as the Iliad and The Odyssey, were likely based on oral traditions and folklore passed down through generations. As such, they likely underwent numerous changes and embellishments over time, resulting in a narrative that may have deviated significantly from historical events. Additionally, Homer's primary aim was not necessarily historical accuracy but rather to entertain and convey moral lessons, leading him to prioritize storytelling over strict adherence to factual events.
Huntsville, AL
Ulysses is the roman name for the greek hero Odysseus. so he first appears in Homer's Illiad. the story about the siege on troy. Homer's other book, the oddysey, is all about "Ulysses", but is an older book, as it is about his return from troy.
That is up for debate. Many scholars say in 850 BC
I believe our Tribal leader to be April Rushlowe. She may have married however she is the daughter of Chief Homer St. Francis. Swanton Vermont .
Homer was famous because his two poems The Odyssey and Iliad were the most influential poems in the world and the two oldest surviving pieces of Greek literature. Most literary scholars agree that he was the main influence of the modern western canon, and everything written after his poems were published were based on or influenced by him.Not only that, his poems and his writing style was so great that the Romans sought to make their own epics. Even Alexander the Great walked around with a copy of the Iliad because it was packed full of useful advice, e.g. the best way to bake bread (yes, really - how to bake bread!) and how to fix a chariot wheel (whaat? yeah what!).
the stories that homer told survived because it was passed down from generation to generation.
the stories that homer told survived because it was passed down from generation to generation.
The gods in Homer's stories were always represented as volatile, unpredictable and capricious. They did not have the interest of their worshipers in mind.
It is not known. Homer may not even have existed.
The Odyssey and The Iliad
Homer was not a god. He was the author of two mythological stories, the Iliad and the Oddysey.
Many people throughout the ages have relished in the great tales of Homer.