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because they created this complex system for adopting laws

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Q: Why do you think the framers created this complex system for adopting laws?
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The framers created the federal system in order?

In order to PREVENT tyranny by dividing the powers of government.

What are the political leaders of the US who helped in creating its system of government?

The framers

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The system of checks and balances was created with the purpose of preventing any one branch of government from having too much power.

Did the constitution create a democracy or a republic?

No, the Framers created a republic, not a democracy.

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the Framers created a confederation when they agreed that the states should keep the powers needed to govern their own affairs

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They created that complicated system in order to make it difficult for government to take "hasty and inconsiderate actions."

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What could be a sentence with the word framers?

The framers of the Constitution were careful to establish a system of checks and balances between the three branches of government.

Who are the political leaders of the US who help create the system of government?

the framers