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Beacuse it confirms the authority of the Constitution. :) hope I helped! :)

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The Supremacy Clause states that the United States Constitution, Federal Laws, and treaties are the supreme law of the land, and trump state laws. Framers, including Alexander Hamilton and James Madison, saw it as essential to a functional government.

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The conflicts between the states may have led the framers to include the supremacy clause in the constitution. This clause say that national law will win over any state law.

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that every law should matter

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Q: Why do you think the framers of the constitution thought the supremacy clause was necessary?
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Why did the framers of the constitution spend so much time discussing the history of political thought?

The Framers wanted their new government to avoid the mistakes of the past

Why did the framers think a constitution was necessary to achieve these purposes?

The Framers thought this because:England was being a bumA Constitution protects basic rightsAnd moreA constitution is a written plan that tells how a government should be run and organized. The Framers thought a constitution was necessary to achieve these purposes because without a constitution, we would live in a state of nature( trauma noise) where there is no government or laws. Some people would take away other peoples rights. Our rights to life liberty and property would not be protected. The framers read this from John Locke, a englishman who lived in the 1600s. John Locke said that everyone should make a social contract which is an agreement to make a government and follow its laws.

What were Hamilton's views of the constitution?

He believed, for one thing, that it could be taken loosely. Unlike his political rivals Jefferson and Madison, Hamilton believed that the government still had powers that weren't expressly stated, as evidenced by his support of a national bank. He argued that it was necessary and proper and the Constitution allowed for things that are necessary and proper. This is loose constructionism. Jefferson and Madison were strict constructionists and thought the Constitution was to be taken literally. In addition, he thought that power should be centered mostly in the executive branch, where Jefferson and Madison thought the legislative branch should hold most of the power. Hamilton also believed that the judicial branch had less power than the other two branches, and that that was a serious flaw with the Constitution.

Supporters of the Constitution thoughtthat the central government should?

Supporters of the Constitution thought that the central government should

The antifederalist view?

for a new constitution and a bill of rights

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What did the framers learn from debating about the constitution?

They learned what others thought and what to compromise on.

Why did the framers of the constitution spend so much time discussing the history of political thought?

The Framers wanted their new government to avoid the mistakes of the past

Why did the Framers of the Constitution decide that the US needed a new govt?

The Framers thought that the government was too weak and they wanted to give it more power than the states.

Why did the framers think a constitution was necessary to achieve these purposes?

The Framers thought this because:England was being a bumA Constitution protects basic rightsAnd moreA constitution is a written plan that tells how a government should be run and organized. The Framers thought a constitution was necessary to achieve these purposes because without a constitution, we would live in a state of nature( trauma noise) where there is no government or laws. Some people would take away other peoples rights. Our rights to life liberty and property would not be protected. The framers read this from John Locke, a englishman who lived in the 1600s. John Locke said that everyone should make a social contract which is an agreement to make a government and follow its laws.

What would the Framers of the Constitution have disagreed with?

the framers of the constitution would have argued about who shyould have more power. (the people) or the government. Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr are good examples of this. Aaron Burr thought the wealthy and succesfull should run the country. Thomas Jefferson disagreed. He thought that those who worked the land (the farmers) should run the country.

Is the president's job as head of his political party mentioned in the constitution?

No. There is no mention of political parties in the Us Constitution. They did not exist in the US when the Constitution was written and I don't think most of the framers even thought about the possibility of their formation.

Why isn't the constitution specific about the responsibilities of the president?

The framers of the constitution thought of the President as an administrator. They believed the department heads would work more with congress than with the president. They pictured the Vice President more as a prime minister rather than someone just sitting in front of the Senate. So, the framers of the constitution had a different concept of the presidency from the one that later developed.

Why does Patrick Henry object so strongly to the phrase you the people as used by the framers of the constitution?

He thought it was up to the People not the States to rule the Country. The first words were "We, the States..."

Why is do ordain and establish this constitution for the US of the preamble important?

i dont really know, but i think the framers just thought it was a good ending to the preamble i guess. i mean it does sound pretty fancy.

What is the difference between Alexander Hamilton's liberal and Thomas Jefferson's conservative interpretation of the Constitution?

Alexander Hamiltion was a firm believer in the "elastic clause" and thought that the Constitution could be bent to the federal government's will, to insure its supremacy. Jefferson wanted to limit the federal government's power and thought that the Constitution was to insure the liberties of the people and not the power of the government, so his interpretation was very scrict.

In what ways did the framers try to improve on the Articles of Confederation?

The Framers revised the Articles because many thought that the states needed more power.The states thought it was too much like the British government so they wanted more power.

According to the framers plan for electing the president presidential electors would be chosen by?

There was a vote on who the framers thought would do the best and George Washington got the most votes