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The Bill of Right is a list of amendments to the US Constitution. This list provides a definitive guarantee of rights and freedoms for the people of the United States.

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Q: Why does the declaration of independence bill of rights important to America May you tell me more?
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Why is the Declaration of Independence?

The Declaration of Independence is very important because it is the document that founded America. It freed the colonies from Britain. The Declaration of Independence was a document that many people worked on to ensure that either the government of England respect their rights, or they overthrow the government.

How are the Virginia declaration of rights similar to the declaration of independence?

they are both important documents

What was passed four years after the constitutional convention ensuring individual rights?

Declaration of Independence Bill of Rights not the Declaration of Independence.

The purpose of the declaration of independence was to?

It is important to remember the history of the United States. The purpose of the Declaration of Independence was to protect the rights of the people in the country.

What rights of the declaration of independence were most important to the colonists?

free speech

What are the important rights on the Declaration of Independence?

Among others, the natiral rights outlined in the Declaration of Independence are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.

What was the declaration of the rights of man modeled after?

The Declaration of the Rights of Man was modeled after the Declaration of Independence.

How does the declaration of independence support gun rights?

It's not the Declaration you look to in order to find your gun rights. The Constitution's Second Amendment is where our gun rights in America are derived from.

What did Thomas Jefferson do that was so important?

He wrote the declaration of independence and was our 3rd president, wrote the statute of rights.

Where is the constitution declaration of independence and bill of rights?

in the organic laws of The United States Of America

Does the Declaration of Independences rights only take place in America?

Well, I'll answer it myself now.Yes, the declaration of independence's rights only takes place in America, but other countries choose to follow it.

The Declaration of Independence asserts that the rights of men are?

The Declaration of Independence asserts that the rights of men are theirs from birth.