Civility has decreased among legislators due to the recent polarization of party lines (they are sticking with their party more). This causes them to be more hostile to each other and therefore less civil.
citizen legislators
justices are supposed to be concerned only with constitutional issues, not partisan politics. So civility and respect for any justices opinion is required, not partisan politics.
The Rules of Civility
The usual term for State legislators is to serve either two-years or four-years.
Mutual aid and vote trading among legislators is known as logrolling.
A sentence with civility would be: You will find more civility in the England, than in the United States
Low legislative cohesion refers to a situation where there is a lack of unity or cooperation among legislators, making it difficult to pass laws or make decisions. This can happen when there is a high degree of disagreement or conflicting interests among legislators within a legislative body.
The cast of Civility - 2011 includes: Nick Douglas as Smoker
The committee members treated each other with civility, even though they represented opposing interests
Opposite of civility: Boorishness Crassness barbaric, the opposite of a civil person is a barbarian.
Civility costs nothing means that politeness and kindness take little from you but give much.
The word civility can be used in a sentence as follows "We must always treat others with civility even when we disagree" for instance. The word means the opposite of barbaric or savage, and means respectfully, and with honor.