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The text of the Declaration has been compared to a 'Lawyer's Brief'. It presents a long list of grievances against King George III including such items as taxation without representation, maintaining a standing army in peacetime, dissolving houses of representatives, and hiring "large armies of foreign mercenaries." The analogy is that Jefferson is an attorney presenting his case before the world court. Not everything that Jefferson wrote was exactly correct. However, it is important to remember that he was writing a persuasive essay, not a historical text. The formal break from Great Britain was complete with the adoption of this document on July 4, 1776.

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Giles Wiegand

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The text of the Declaration has been compared to a 'Lawyer's Brief'. It presents a long list of grievances against King George III including such items as taxation without representation, maintaining a standing army in peacetime, dissolving houses of representatives, and hiring "large armies of foreign mercenaries." The analogy is that Jefferson is an attorney presenting his case before the world court. Not everything that Jefferson wrote was exactly correct. However, it is important to remember that he was writing a persuasive essay, not a historical text. The formal break from Great Britain was complete with the adoption of this document on July 4, 1776.

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Q: Why have some called the declaration of independence a lawyers brief?
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How many years passed between the writing of the Declaration of Independence and the writing of The U.S. Constitution?

The Declaration of Independence was written during the summer of 1776. The Constitution of the United States of America was written during the summer of 1787. If my math is correct, then eleven years passed between the writing of the Declaration of Independence and the writing of the Constitution of the United States of America. To view a brief history of the drafting of the Declaration of Independence provided by the National Archives, please feel free to click on the URL listed below under Related Links. To view a brief history of the drafting of the Constitution of the United States of America provided by the National Archives, please feel free to click on the URL listed below under Related Links.

Which best explains why the Declaration of Independence is considered a historical document?

On the 150th Anniversary of the Declaration of Independence, Calvin Coolidge gave a speech that directly seeks to answer this question. He provided numerous historical examples to defend his opinion. In brief, he agreed that previous nations had declared the right of people to govern themselves, and previous political philosophers had made some of the same assertions that exist in the Declaration of Independence. However, he said, the United States was the first country to be founded on the three principles of universal equality, natural rights, and self-government, and to base its institutions and efforts for reform upon these principles.

What is the main message in the declaration of independence?

In the American Declaration of Independence, the main idea (or, argument) focuses on the relationship of governed and government. In brief terms, the Declaration argues that there is a two-fold natural (or, as it may also be put, philosophical) truth that regulates this relationship: governments rule only by consent of those it governs and, further, where the government violates the trust implicit in that consent, the governed have the right to overthrow it for the sake of restoring a more natural governance.

What must be submitted by lawyers to the supreme court prior to presenting a case?

If it's for E2020 the answer is BRIEF. The Supreme Court is unlike any other court because the cases have all ready been heard and tried in lower courts. The lawyers have to prove that their argument is based in law and the constitution . They have to cite cases and law to the court in a determined set time. The justices will return a decision several months after the case is heard. They do not all have to agree in their decisions, but what they write may shape future cases and law. To begin the process a brief with the court is filed.

Can The Declaration of Independence be stolen?

No one has ever attempted to steal the Declaration. As it is almost impossible, the case is made of bullet proof glass, surrounded by guards, monitored with cameras with a heat sensors within the glass, go close to that thing with a fever and you'll be hauled right out of there. And to top it all off, every night it is sealed in an underground vault behind 3 inches of solid steel and 20 armed guards. So tell me, do you feel lucky... Punk?

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What is the lawyers written argument called?

Formal written legal arguments presented to appellate courts are called briefs. Usually they are anything but brief. It is also illegal to write them on legal paper. They must be written on letter paper even though they are not letters.

What is the answer to the hink pinks what lawyers feel when they lose?

Grief brief.

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Legal briefs are sent to the courts to outline the arguments that lawyers will use for their cases.

When the US Supreme Court decides to hear a case what written documents must the lawyers file?

Merit Briefs. The Petitioner files a Merit Brief(Brief on the Merits) and the Respondent files a Reply Brief(Reply Brief on the Merits).

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A brief advertisement is called a blurb. A brief advertisement is called a blurb.

How many years passed between the writing of the Declaration of Independence and the writing of The U.S. Constitution?

The Declaration of Independence was written during the summer of 1776. The Constitution of the United States of America was written during the summer of 1787. If my math is correct, then eleven years passed between the writing of the Declaration of Independence and the writing of the Constitution of the United States of America. To view a brief history of the drafting of the Declaration of Independence provided by the National Archives, please feel free to click on the URL listed below under Related Links. To view a brief history of the drafting of the Constitution of the United States of America provided by the National Archives, please feel free to click on the URL listed below under Related Links.

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D. To sum up his points in a succinct and memorable way

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15 August.........independence day.............

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Pennsylvania was founded in 1681 by William Penn as a safe haven for Quakers. It played a significant role in the American Revolution and was the site of the signing of the Declaration of Independence in 1776. Pennsylvania's industrialization in the 19th century led to its status as a major hub for manufacturing and trade.