10 is important because 10 is a marking place, its easy to count by so you can count faster this is called skip counting
September 11-planes crash into Twin Towers.
The most important result of the Spanish-American War was the dissolution of the Spanish Empire. Peace was achieved by the signing of the Treaty of Paris on December 10, 1898.
is it not important
They have the right to elect the members of the national Government
The important job is prime
10 is so important because we use a base-10 counting system.
all of them
Hope Is Important was created on 1998-10-19.
Yes very important
why are the great lakes so important
October 10 2010 isn't actually that important, people only say it is, because it sounds cool 10.10.10.
The Most Important People was created on 1950-10-18.
Why is 10 important in our place value system
9-10 cm