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Cincinnati, Ohio is located in what was at the time considered the West. The Queen City moniker is a shortened version of the self-named Queen City of the West, due to it's rapid population growth.

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Q: Why is Cincinnati Ohio called the Queen City?
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Why is Cincinnati called the Queen city?

Cincinnati, Ohio is located in what was at the time considered the West. The Queen City moniker is a shortened version of the self-named Queen City of the West, due to it's rapid population growth.

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Cincinnati is a city in Ohio. Columbus is the capital city in the U.S. state of Ohio.

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Cincinnati is a city, located in southwestern Ohio.

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Columbus is the capital of the state of Ohio Cincinnati is just a city in Ohio.

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Cincinnati, Ohio

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Is Cincinnati in the mideast?

No. Cincinnati is in Ohio and considered to be in the mid-west. Ohio was carved out of the Northwest Territory. At the time most of the American population was east of the Appalachian Mountains, so anything west of the mountains was "the west". Cincinnati's nick-name is "The Queen City of the West."

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Cincinnati is a city located in the state of Ohio, United States.

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Cincinnati is in the state of Ohio. It is located in the southwestern part of the state, on the banks of the Ohio River, very close to Kentucky.Ohio

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How many minutes from Junction City to Cincinnati Ohio?

Junction City, Kansas is 717 miles from Cincinnati, Ohio. Junction City, Arkansas is 748 miles from Cincinnati, Ohio. Junction City, Kentucky is 125 miles from Concinnati, Ohio. Junction City, Ohio is 149 miles and an estimated 2 hours and 45 minutes or a total of 165 minutes of driving time from Cincinnati, Ohio according to Google Maps.

Cincinnati is a city in this state?

It is a major city in Ohio.