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The military rules by force and not by the will of the people. Military rule is seldom for the good of the people. Civil rights, in fact basic human rights are often none existent under military rule.The military are AUTHORITARIAN in nature.The civilians gives room for public opinion which is lacking in military

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Military rule represents a failure to make civil rule work.

Civil rule can look ineffectual, but it is actually a triumph of civilization to have an army reporting to an elected civilian assembly.

Military governments look efficient, but they usually conceal terrible inefficiency and corruption behind the uniforms and medals.

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Q: Why is civilian rule better than military rule?
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Are military rules better than civilian rules?

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Is military rule better than civilian rule?

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Yes! Civillian rule is much better cus it is the power of the people while millitary rule is done through coercion.....

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civilian rule is better than military rule because there is freedom and peace in the nation better than when the military was ruling us

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Civilian rule is better than Military rule?

Well, honey, let me break it down for you. Civilian rule is like having a fancy dinner party with etiquette and democracy, while military rule is like a frat party with tanks and uniforms. So yeah, civilian rule is definitely the way to go if you want a society that values freedom and human rights over marching orders and curfews.

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I would say not really. But the bad democracy can progress where as the military rule will most likely become a terrible dictatorship and the democracy would (obviously) be better. This is my opinion.

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Civilian control of the military is a doctrine in militaryand political science that places ultimate responsibility for a country's strategic decision-making in the hands of the civilian political leadership, rather than professional military officers.

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