it gets you farther in life. without education,you cant get a good job, and without a good job you cant get anywhere and get no money
establishing standards for education
The power of an oligarchy lies with a small group of people who are typically joined through family, wealth, royal lineage, education, social tier, corporate, religious, or military control.
Powers of the states are:Establish local governmentsIssue licenses (driver, hunting, marriage, etc.)Regulate intrastate (within the state) commerceConduct electionsRatify amendments to the U.S. ConstitutionProvide for public health and safetyExercise powers neither delegated to the national government or prohibited from the states by the U.S.
The Southern states kept African Americans from gaining political power by denying them an education. They also passed laws to keep them down. They were not allowed to own property and most of them could not read or write.
Education is power. India can be made superpower with education.
There are many people who have power over education. Every student and teacher has power over their own education for example.
What type of education that the student get.
Education is considered a reserved power for the states. This is because education is not mentioned in the U.S. Constitution.
Ellen Power has written: 'Guerrilla mum' -- subject(s): Special education, Mainstreaming in education, Inclusive education 'Public libraries and life-long integrated education'
Quality education helps Nepal to produce skill man power.
No, proper education and learning cannot be gained by force.
actually there are no disadvantages for education because knowledge is power
Yes it is.
Gyeongin National University of Education's motto is 'Great power'.