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"Freedom of expression is the matrix, the indispensable condition, of nearly every other form of freedoms." Benjamin Cardozo was stating that freedom of expression is the structure of all the other freedoms. Freedom of expression is a very valuable freedom. It lets you express your own thoughts and feelings and show your beliefs and ideas.

In Tinker vs. Des Moines, teenagers John Tinker, Mary Beth Tinker, and Christopher Echardt, decided to wear armbands to protest the Vietnam War. The principals of the Des Moines school district asked the students to take the armbands off. They refused to do so, and they were suspended from school. The students took this case all the way to the Supreme Court where they won 7-2 because the Supreme Court thought it was violating their freedom of expression.

Freedom of expression is also showing your feelings without verbal use. If you don't know about this freedom, you might be afraid to share your ideas and feelings. Also, freedom of expression helps people make decisions based on their opinions and not what others think. Citizens also have the right to express who they want to vote for unless there is a rule or law limiting your freedom of expression. Freedom of expression is found in many early human rights documents such as the Magna Carta. In the Constitution, the First Amendment protects your freedom of expression.

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14y ago

Free speech is important in a democracy because that is the only way to really know what people want. If no one was allowed to speak without fear of being convicted of high treason, nothing could get done and everyone would be miserable due to no one getting what they want.

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13y ago

Freedom of Speech is protected by the United Nations' Universal Declaration of Human Rights, however not all nations recognize it. In some countries, such as Eritrea, people are often imprisoned (most often journalists) without trial for voicing their opinions verbally or otherwise. The Sudanese, Pakistani, Iran, Saudi Arabian governments (and others, I'm sure) crack down on anyone who speaks negatively of religion. Most European and North American countries treasure their right to speech and practice it often. Protesting, petitioning, contacting politicians, voting, bumper stickers, and debates; these are all examples of how we utilize our freedom of speech.

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We see that a democracy is for the people and by the people. Which is why its essential to have the freedom to speak becuase of the people-based government.

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it is important to our democracy because it helps us be free

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to promote any candidate they choose

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Q: Why is freedom of speech so important to a democratic society?
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Which of these is a reason for protecting freedom of speech in a democratic society?

The freedom of speech is important to protect it because if we dont we could lose are prvalge to have such freedom as we do

Why is freedom of speech not good in democratic society?

To have a democratic society freedom of speech IS needed. Not to have it would mean a society where people can not protest or write/say anything bad concerning the government. Freedom of speech is extremely good in a democratic society. If people are going to be able to participate in the process of government, they need to be able to share their thoughts on political subjects. Dictatorships, in comparison, always try to restrict speech, so that no opposition to their rule can even be expressed.

Why is freedom of speech so important to a democratic system?

The freedom to express opinions is needed in a democratic government so the government can be brought to task on wrongdoing and so people can protest the things that need change. Without the free press and investigative reporters events like Watergate would have gone unnoticed. Speech is much more than the spoken or written word. It can also be actions like burning the flag or to carry a sign in protest. There are limits to the freedom of speech as well. An example is you can't yell "fire" in a public place because unless there is a fire people could panic causing injury to others. The right of speech and freedom of the press are very important rights for a democratic society.

What is the definition of political freedom?

Political freedom refers to the ability of individuals to participate in the decision-making processes of their society without interference or coercion. It encompasses the rights to free speech, assembly, and association, as well as the right to vote and seek public office. Political freedom is a fundamental aspect of democratic societies.

Which democratic ideal is illustrated in the quotation above?

freedom of speech

Do citizens enjoy freedom of speech in Spain?

absolutely, they are very democratic

What constitutes a free society?

i believe freedom of speech and freedom of religion constitute a free society . ;) :D

What characterizes a democratic government?

The separation of powers and free elections are what characterizes the Democratic government. The freedom to choose governments is an important factor in this type of government. Also, an important point is known as freedom of assembly.

How did Voltaires idea of freedom of speech influence our society?

Voltaire's idea of freedom of speech emphasized the importance of allowing diverse opinions to be expressed without fear of censorship or punishment. This notion has had a lasting impact on our society by promoting open discourse, critical thinking, and the protection of individual liberties. It has contributed to the development of democratic principles and the recognition of the right to freedom of expression in many legal systems worldwide.

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The suppressing of free-speech is not to be allowed in a democratic society.

What did Athenian society emphasize the most?

Athenian society emphasized democratic governance and the active participation of its citizens in political decision-making. The principles of equality, rule of law, and freedom of speech and assembly were highly valued. Education, particularly in areas such as rhetoric, philosophy, and the arts, was also prioritized in Athenian society.

How did the enlightenment ideas influence the new American society?

It gave American Society: Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Press, Equality, and Fraternity.