We have the news, because people all over the world wanted to know what current affairs have been happening, so they invented the news.
Chief Keef
Pay attention in class .:)
The 20th amendment was enacted to make sure that Congress would respond to a national crisis and also limited presidential terms. This was important because it forced Congress to pay attention to national issues.
Tend which means to pay attention or to apply oneself. Pre- is a prefix meaning before.
the belief that the constitution should pay more attention to a state's sovereignty than to the national government
News should be interesting to help viewers pay attention to the topic.
yes pay attention to the news
Without the free press the political system can do what they want without oversight. Pay attention to the news today and watch the free press at work.
yes , it just depends on the gossip news pay attention
Without the free press the political system can do what they want without oversight. Pay attention to the news today and watch the free press at work.
You really should pay attention ok this relasonship is important REALLY
To learn from them
NO only let it shine pay attention to the news
Accuracy and attention to detail is important is to make sure you follow what is expected from you and do not miss out anything as this will spoil your whole work.
We say "draw your attention," and we tell someone to "pay attention," not "pay your attention."
People pay attention to stories.
It helps if you pay attention in school.It helps if you pay attention in school.It helps if you pay attention in school.It helps if you pay attention in school.