In case of a tragedy at the address, leaving a cabinet member absent allows for continuity of government.
the main purpose of the cabinet is to advise the president
You become a cabinet member when the President appoints you and the the Congress approves the nomination.
1:Presidential system means system which is totally under the influence of particular president. 2: It allows only the president to take and to implement decision and thus makes president totally responsive towards the people of that particular nation. Cabinet system 1: It includes participation of every member of cabinet to make or to implemt a policy and thus due to participation of more than one increaces the quality of decision.
One can purchase a record cabinet for a really great deal on eBay. Furniture stores also have the record cabinet available for sale like IKEA and Urban Outfitters.
State government doesn’t have a cabinet. Only the president has one.
Members of Congress will select one of the Cabinet Members to be absent from the State of the Union Address in order for the Government to run continuously.
A Cabinet member is one of the Ministers of the British government.
creating a national bank
Cabinet members are appointed by the president, but must be approved by the Senate. Many are politicians who supported the President.
Cabinet members are appointed by the president, but must be approved by the Senate. Many are politicians who supported the President.
The presidential line of succession goes like this: 1) vice-president 2) Speaker of the Hosue 3) President Pro Tempore of the Senate 4) Members of the Cabinet in the order in which the departments were created. This means that if the president dies, resigns or is removed from office, the vice-president becomes president. If the president and vice-president die, resign or are removed from office, then the Speaker of the House becomes president, etc. etc. Since all 18 people in the presidential line of succession could potentially be at the president's state of the union address, one Cabinet member does not attend in case there would be some sort of disastrous bombing at the State of the Union Address that killed the president, vice-president, speaker of the house, president pro tempore of the senate and the Cabinet members. The surviving Cabinet member who is not at the state of the union address becomes president so that if nothing else, the American people know who their leader is. In 2008, the Cabinet member that did not attend was Dirk Kempthorne.
The cabinet members each run one of the major departments of the US government. The employees of these departments are under the direction of the cabinet member who heads their department.
One of the principal purposes of the Cabinet (drawn from Article II, Section 2 of the Constitution) is to advise the President on any subject he/she may require relating to the duties of their respective offices.
Since the entire federal government usually attends the State of the Union Message, it presents an opportunity, should there be a terrorist attack, that the persons next in line to succeed the President should he die in office, would also be killed. So it is the custom to have one cabinet member not attend the State of the Union. For President Obama's address on 27 January 2010, Secretary Hillary Clinton, Department of State, did not attend.
the main purpose of the cabinet is to advise the president
Each member of the President's Cabinet heads one of the Executive office's branches of government. They are responsible for overseeing the operation of the Federal Government.
to leave a surviving authority in case of disaster