Why is Popular Sovereignty important to Me? The short answer: Love is the answer to every question... Perfect Sovereign=Popular Sovereignty=Self-Determination=Self-Regulation=Home Rule=Geigenshine. Sovereign Rights are important to Me because they refer to an Intimate Relationship in Life between The Heart, The Soul, The Mind, The Tabernacle/Body and The Spirit and the thoughts, emotions , will and actions I use to make choices among various expanding or contracting options which support My Core Beliefs and Values based on Universal Principles. The Principle of Real and/or Intellectual Property arises from the concept of inalienable Rights which stems from the belief that the Monarch can do no wrong. I believe in a connection between The Perfect Sovereign Creator and The Creatures Made in "Our Image and Likeness." I accept this Belief as evident in the Natural Laws of Self-Regulation which is found in the self-adjusting capacity of medicinal Plants validated by the ancient Doctrine of Signature which suggests a correlation between the size, shape, color, texture, taste, smell, time, place and date as well as the general elongation of ripeness or edibility when considering appropriate use in entheogenic, pharmacognostic and naturopathic applcations. I also ascribe the the notion of The Pleasure Principle of Self-Regulation as it applies to Phase Modulation and Mental Hygiene as they relate to the Function of the Orgasm and the operation of Melanin from the Pineal Body and orgone energy in Mitosis. Each cell is a hologram of the whole which indicates the Sovereignty or Supreme Power of the cell in its functions as a member of the collection of cells which perform organ specific biological operations for the benefit of the carbon-based unit or Living System. Popular Sovereignty is also important to Me as a key indicator of Mental Hygiene as it relates to sound Mind and and total health or wellbeing. I also believe that Popular Sovereignty must be viewed in the proper context of Causal Adaptive Systems Thinking to realize it's optimal utility. There is an organic hierarchy of Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species, Clique. This last member "Clique",in the natural order of Living things is the highest expression of Free or Divine Will and Pleasure. The 7 Prerogatives of The Sovereign are: Life, Death, Peace, War, The Printing of Money, The Claim of Masterless goods and Waifs, and The Love and Good Will Mission. This 7th Prerogative is analogous to Rhythm, The 7th and most refined of the senses of perception which is dependent on Extra-Sensory Perception for Self-Actualization in real-time. Popular Sovereignty is also important to Me as an Artist who takes Poetic License for Creative Purposes. Popular Sovereignty is also analogous to the Chromatic Scale in Music in which case Justice is served as each individual note gets its day in the Sun to contribute to the overall Harmony of Notes which make up an orchestral movement in a symphony like moving stars and fixed stars. And the 2 Tones Black and Clear and 3 Primary Colors contribute their essence in combining to create new and different properties while maintaining their individual integrity or Sovereignty. Popular Sovereignty is important to Me because the anti-thesis is slavery or the absence of volition. In Perspective, I offer these Poems on the importance of Popular Sovereignty to Me:
Peaceful. Powerful Justice Rhyme Haiku Settles Sovereignty Issue
Courts see Blacks as 3/5 Human
Our Protest
Will Change that...God Willing
The Justest Judge Makes Child, Man, Woman
Pass Love's Test
To earn Top Billing
Self-Portrayal's Reality
5/3 Human's Black Divinity
Unforgettable Rebel Rhyme Haiku Ed M.O.S.E.S. Malone Tattoo
In the Throes of Orgasms
Soul drops Human form
Like a bad habit
Spirit knows Chiliasm's
Black Eye of The Storm
Rapture Rhyme's have it
Urim and Thummin Rapture Rhyme Haiku Heart Soul Mind Home Spirit News
M-for The Most Important Substance Known
O-for Mitosis Function
S-for Ascent to The Purple Throne
E-for Mental Hygiene's Junction
S-for Womens' and Childrens' Safety 1st
Truth dot Gov bubbles don't burst
Love, Joy, Peace and Elbow Grease
PS. Super Massive Black Hole Moment: Nothing can escape a Black Hole...not even Light...this is the Pen-ultimate expression of The Singularity and the corresponding relationship between the objects moving toward and away from The Source.
They are important parts of the constitution because they help establish a stable democracy. Limited government prevents from government from becoming too powerful. A republican form of government allows government through representation; representatives carry out the will of the people. Popular sovereignty ensures that the people are ultimately in control of the government.
This was a phrase coined by Stephen Douglas, an optimistic Illinois Senator who declared that the people of each state should be free to vote whether to be slave or free.
When this was tried out in Kansas, the result was violence and bloodshed. Then
the Supreme Court ruled that slavery was protected by the Constitution - apparently meaning that no state could declare itself to be free soil.
It was on this issue that the Lincoln-Douglas debates were held - bringing Lincoln to public prominence for the first time.
popular sovereignty
popular sovereignty
Popular Sovereignty is a government in which the common people rule.
popular sovereignty
Popular sovereignty means people have a voice in the government and this means they have a voice to vote in the government
Popular sovereignty is important to a republic. The main principle of popular sovereignty is that the government is created by the people for the people.
Because popular sovereignty is part of the government and when they elect the leader they needed popular sovereignty right that is why an important.
The popular Sovereignty is important because it protects our nation's rights from being exploited by other nations.
Yes Popular sovereignty needed as a part of democracy, because when they elect the leader they need to sign then that is one system.
popular sovereignty
popular sovereignty
popular sovereignty
Popular Sovereignty
Popular Sovereignty is a government in which the common people rule.
Popular Sovereignty is extremely important to the people of America due to the issues the lack of it had before, with the British monarchy. The concept of popular sovereignty claims that the power that government holds is only maintained by the people's consent.
Popular Sovereignty is extremely important to the people of America due to the issues the lack of it had before, with the British monarchy. The concept of popular sovereignty claims that the power that government holds is only maintained by the people's consent.
popular sovereignty