Because it allows people to elect it's representives indirectly through other elected officials.
A Republic .
Technically, no. By definition, all republics are representative in some form, since "republic" means "rule by elected officials", and elected officials are representative of the people who elected them. To use the term "representative republic" is just redundant. While it was used in the past by at least one of the founding fathers of the United States of America, it actually doesn't mean any more than just saying "republic". However, there are many countries that call themselves republics that are actually run by military dictatorships or religious leaders, and do not really have representative government, so the term "representative republic" could be used to emphasize countries that are truly representative.
The Republic of Georgia is a representative democracy.See link below.
A republic is a noun, a form of government which typically has an elected executive (rather than a monarch) and a representative form.
The US government is a republic, and a representative democracy.
No, the United States is a representative republic.
The United States is a representative republic, not a direct democracy, as a result, the question is unanswerable. As for how the US became a representative republic, this was through the approval of the US Constitution of 1789, which is still in power today.
The USA is a representative republic.
The US is primarily a representative democracy with elements of a republic. In a representative democracy, citizens elect officials to make decisions on their behalf, which aligns with the US system of electing representatives at various levels of government. Furthermore, the US operates as a republic, where power is held by elected officials and laws are created through a system of representative government rather than direct citizen participation in decision-making.
Being a republic is independent of being a representative democracy.
Yes, A republic is a representative democracy where the people vote for representatives to wield power in their stead. Like in the USA
federal system
We are a representative REPUBLIC, not a democracy. The last great democracy was in France and ended with the revolution of 1788-89 ( " let them eat cake" ).
A Republic .
A republic is also called a representative democracy.
No. Mexico is a federal presidential representative republic which works just like the US Government.