When election day was selected by Congress in 1845 the country was mainly an agricultural society. November was chosen because the fall harvest was over and it was still mild enough for farmers and rural workers to be able to travel to the polls over unimproved roads.
Tuesday was chosen because most of the country had to travel a great distance to the polls in their counties. Monday was not reasonable because that would mean that people would have to start travel on Sunday and that would interfere with church services. The second Tuesday was chosen for two reasons, one, to keep election day from falling on all saints day and secondly, merchants were accustomed to doing their books on the first of the month.
They don't nececerily have to be held on thursdays, it's just a tradition. One reason could be that in the old days, people generally didn't get paid until Friday, so holding elections on Thursday would ensure that people were not too drunk to vote.
first of all, elections are held on tuesdays duh.
Not in the US- presidential election were held in 2004 and 2008 the next one will be in 2012. (The year of a presidential election is always a multiple of 4 .)
It is every 4 years. It is always the first Tuesday after the first Monday of November. It is November 6 this year.
The 1960 US Presidential election was held on Tuesday, November 8.
US presidents are elected in years that are multiples of four. Presidential elections have been held every four years since 1788. Election day is the first Tuesday in November unless the first of November is a Tuesday, in which case the election is held the following Tuesday , that is on November 8.
US presidential elections are held in November of years divisible by 4. The next one will be in 2012. (There are also primary elections held at different times in different states before the actual election, for the purpose of choosing nominees )
The United States presidential election of 2016 was held on Tuesday, November 8, 2016.
The most recent past US Presidential election was held on November 4, 2008; the next Presidential election will be on November 6, 2012. General elections are always held on Tuesday following the first Monday in November.
In the US, the next presidential election will be held on November 6, 2012. Presidential elections are always held on the first Tuesday in November unless Nov. 1 is a Tuesday, in which case the election is pushed back a week to Nov. 8.
The United States presidential election of 2016 was held on Tuesday, November 8, 2016.
There was no US Presidential election in 2006. The date of the mid-term general election in 2006 was Tuesday, November 7. The date of the most recent Presidential election was Tuesday, November 4, 2008. The next Presidential election will be held Tuesday, November 6, 2012.
No. The presidential election is on the first Tuesday in November every 4 years.
U.S. presidential elections are held every 4 years. Election Day is the first Tuesday after the first Monday of November.
The 2016 presidential primary election in Ohio was held on Tuesday March 15, 2016.
The Presidential elections are held every four years on the first Tuesday following the first Monday of November. The next Presidential election will occur on November 6, 2012.
The United States presidential election of 2016 was held on Tuesday, November 8, 2016.
No. Presidential election sare always held on years that are multiples of 4. 1880 and 1884 were election years
The presidential election occurs on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November every year that is divisible by four. The last presidential election was on November 4, 2008. The next will be on November 6, 2012, and after that one, the next will occur on November 8, 2016..