That is the way they were seen. If a person wasn't a Roman he/she was seen as a barbarian ( Greek for other) and treated very rudely and harshly. The Huns were barbarian and were very good horsemen, excellent fighters, and fierce in battle. They didn't fight using the Roman battle methods and to the Romans this barbaric.
They both have the right to make bills
parliament less power compare to executive
Compare and contrast the three branches of the Arizona state government with the three branches of the federal government.
promissory note
That is the way they were seen. If a person wasn't a Roman he/she was seen as a barbarian ( Greek for other) and treated very rudely and harshly. The Huns were barbarian and were very good horsemen, excellent fighters, and fierce in battle. They didn't fight using the Roman battle methods and to the Romans this barbaric.
When Marcellinus describes the Huns as being "glued to their horses," he is emphasizing their exceptional skill and familiarity with horseback riding. This phrase suggests that the Huns were highly adept at riding horses and had a strong bond with their animals, indicating a deep connection and reliance on their equestrian abilities for mobility and warfare. The image evoked is one of seamless coordination and unity between the Huns and their horses, highlighting their prowess as mounted warriors.
Read the account of the battle in the account by historian Herodotos to compare it.
there r thins on the plants here like jerms
I bieleve it is the they compare animals by the texonimy theary.... Sorry if I got it wrong.... And sorry for not having many details...
Raised germ free
They r both animals
to known species
both are animals!:)
do not know