Secrets should be kept secret because if they were not, everyone would know it. If everyone knew your secret, then you probably wouldn't be too happy.
And a secret would not be secret then.
Yes the president should keep certain personal secrets.
The reason why the framers kept the proceedings of the Philadelphia convention a secret is because they feared that if people knew about their arguments they would not except the new constitution. Also if people new about their discussions they would not feel as free to discuss their ideas.
Are you stupid? A secret government is what the name implies it to be. A secret government is a government that's secret. Probably the secret is kept from the government so that the government won't know about so that we the people won't know about this secret government, and there's a possibility of the government is keeping the secret government "secret".
The American convicted and executed for passing nuclear secrets to the Soviets was Julius Rosenberg. He and his wife Ethel were found guilty of espionage in 1951 and were executed in 1953. So, yeah, don't go around sharing nuclear secrets like they're your grandma's secret cookie recipe.
Ballots should be secret. Maestro
Because most secrets are things that should be released to the public for their own good
It is a promise.
There is no such secret of shah rukh khan . if he has any secret he keeps that to himself. Secrets are meant to be kept secret obviously.
That question should not be asked here, and at all. The staff have kept telling us MNIers that it is not good to give each other the secrets. That's why they're called secrets, obviously
Nothing at all. If you can't talk about it beforehand, there's going to be a problem with the marriage. We're as sick as our secrets.
Yes, e.g. "best-kept secrets"
One can find more information about the best kept secrets on the Wikipedia website. There are a number of entries for Best Kept Secret including a novel, song titles and a production team.
if he loves you he will tell you so yesAnswer 2No. Marriages exist by virtue of the secret. As long as secrets may be kept, the marriage is safe.
They are secret. Should they exist.
Well Kept Secrets was created in 2003.
Squirrelflight kept a lot of secrets but her most extreme is that Lionblaze, Jayfeather, and Hollyleaf are not her kits. They are Leafpool's and the father is Crowfeather.
President Wilson had a stroke. It was kept a secret.