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Washington is called the Father of his Country, because in a very real sense, that is what he was. He played a central and critical role in the founding of the United States. He was active in the events that led to the Declaration of Independence.

When the Revolutionary War began, he was the supreme commander of the colonial military forces which eventually forced the British to withdraw their troops and acknowledge American independence. Not only did he carry out the war effort, but he worked to get the colonies to send money for supplies and kept up the morale of his troops. Washington then participated actively in drawing up the US Constitution and getting it ratified. Finally he served as the first President of the new United States republic.
HE ESTABLISHED the country as a Republic
George Washington was a founding father that helped the US to gain our independence. He was very influential in the starting years of the nation as a leader in the Revolutionary War and our first president.

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15y ago

Because he was highly respected, a skilled general, a great leader, and a selfless, competent president. George Washington was often considered the indispensible person. Without his persistance, the rebel cause would have fallen apart and the revolution would have ended before the french could aid us at Yorktown. After the war, we was considered the Cincinatus of America, in that he gave up his powers back to the congress. This was a profound act since usually the winning commander of a army became the ruler of the country. In fact, King George said that if Washington actually gave up his power then "he would be the greatest man in the world". His influence was so profound at the time that they needed him at the second constitutional convention to give it the reconition it needed. He was unanimously voted president of the convention and as usual, said very little but was essential to the process. As President, most of the stipulations that the states agreed upon were based on Washington being president. Indeed, if Washington wasn't president, probably several states would never have ratified the constitution. Washington held the union together and it wouldn't have survived without his unifying force. All of the other founding fathers considered him the indispensible man and that is why he is called the Father of America.

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15y ago

He was the 1st President of the United States, and was also an accomplished military general. Although not as influential in the actual nation-building process as certain others, he was, and continues to be, a popular figurehead for America.

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13y ago

If it were not for his defeat of the British in the American Revolution, the USA would not have come into being

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Why was George Washington known as the farther of our country

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Type your answer here... George Washington was a founding father of America and a President as well.

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George Washington is the Father of his Nation because he was America's first president. He was a man of integrity and was well respected.

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GW. George Washington .

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He is the father of the country of the United States of America. George Washington was the first President of the United States, and probably the most important.

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George Washington was the first president of the United States of America, he was the founding father of our nation.

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i think it was george washington .