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Thomas Jefferson was not decisively anti-federalist; He was a member of the National-Republican party (also called the Democratic-Republicans or Jeffersonians). This party was the sole political opponent of the Federalist Party, similar to the Democrats & Republicans today. To answer your question a little more directly, Thomas Jefferson was very fond of the French and wanted to build a better diplomatic relationship with them. The federalists on the other hand favored the British and wanted to build a better relationship with them. Acts such as the Jay Treaty, which banned U.S. Trade with the French, particularly upset the Southern States, because they relied heavily on trade with France. Additionally, the Federalists favored establishing a National bank that would absorb the debt each State acquired during the Revolutionary War. Jefferson, among others strongly opposed carrying a national debt. There were probably other factors, but these are the only ones that come to mind.

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

Many Federalists were worried about Jefferson's presidency because he was from a group called the Anti-Federalists or Democratic-Republican party. This political party disagreed with the Federalists. So, they believed that Jefferson would bring chaos to America since they didn't believe in his philosophy. However, Jefferson did many good things. For instance, he bought the Louisiana Territory for 15 million dollars (the territory was huge and doubled America's size at the time).

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βˆ™ 14y ago

He made the Louisiana purchase boom

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Q: Why was Jefferson anti-federalist?
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Thomas Jefferson was the leader of the Anti-Federalists. Alexander Hamilton was the leader of the Federalist party, which was supported by George Washington.

Was Thomas Jefferson an antifederalist?

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