I was always taught that a revolution was one in which its people rise up and depose the king and his leaders by either execution ( as in the French & Russian revolutions), or exile. Ours was a War for Independence, in which we separated from the "mother country,"! So, to answer your question, the justification for separation was necessary for a myriad of reasons. One being taxation without representation. ( stamp act, intolerable acts, etc..) SHS
To bring about improvements in interstate commerce.
The Founding Fathers were painfully aware that under the Articles of Confederation, men of substance such as themselves were not making as much money as they had been making as British subjects. Therefore, change was in order. A new centrally oriented and powered government would insure that the new country would once again be a place in which white land owners could flourish and prosper. Look at the pedigrees of the "Founding Fathers" and you will note a surprising degree of similarities. The Articles of Confederation made capitalism and the success of the individual much too difficult. Alexander Hamilton's bedding of government and big business secured the fortunes of the monied business class. Please understand that this response is not intended as crticism, it merely seeks to point out something that while glaringly obvious has for many decades taken a back seat to patriotic correctness. Refer to James Beard's "An Economic Interpretation of the Constitution of the United States."
The Founders wrote the Declaration of Independence to officially break free from the british and to ensure freedom for all!
becuase why not
the American revolution is important because it led to the revolutionary war
because it started the American revolution. that's why.
The American Revolution is important because it freed Americans from Britain. We gained our freedom by fighting and although the British still acted like they owned us for some time after the war, we eventually gained full freedom.
yes, but sometimes it can be different nicknames. one of them is father of the American revolution another one is the founding father.
The American Revolution resulted in the formation of the United States of America. Some historians consider serious errors by Parliament as the cause of the American Revolution.
The American colonies were the first ever to revolt against a mother country.
the American revolution is important because it led to the revolutionary war
Elijah Clarek is important to american revolution because she defeated the British.
Probably either the French Revolution or the American Revolution
because it started the American revolution. that's why.
american revolution industrial revolution
The American War of independence was important to the French Revolution because the Americans would not have won without the help of the French.
It was important because it led to the American Revolution
The American Revolution inspired powers to take steps to stop independence movements.
crispus attucks
The colonies were ENGLISH .