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The Fourteenth Amendment was proposed by congress in 1866 and passed in 1868 with Due Process and Equal Protection Clauses. The Amendment was a response to the Dred Scoot Decision, which stated African Americans were not and could not become American Citizens.

The amendment requires states provide equal protection under the law for all persons, not only citizens, who are within their jurisdictions. States cannot make nor enforce any laws, which deny the privileges and immunities of citizens of the United States. Furthermore, states can not deprive any person of life, liberty or property without due process and full protection of the law.

Congress believed the Civil Rights Act of 1866 could be overturned by a future Congress without an Amendment to the Constitution guaranteeing citizenship to anyone born or naturalized in the United States.

The Amendment states any child born in the United States is a citizen, some exceptions exist.

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13y ago
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Roderick Milton2

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1y ago
ehh kinda not the anawer im looking for
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10y ago

The Fourteenth Amendment, which granted citizenship to all persons born or naturalized in the United States, specifically former slaves who had not been considered citizens of the country. The Amendment was ratified July 28, 1868. Although the amendment was rejected by the southern states, there were enough votes to ratify to satisfy the majority requirement.

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7y ago

The Fourteenth Amendment of the United States Constitution was passed to give citizenship to the newly freed slaves. Prior to the amendment, cases like The Dred Scott Case, established that African Americans were not considered to be citizens of the United States.

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12y ago


Statement of Objects and Reasons appended to the Constitution

(Fourteenth Amendment) Bill, 1962 which was enacted as

THE CONSTITUTION (Fourteenth Amendment) Act, 1962


With the ratification of the Treaty of Cession by the Governments of

India and France, on the 16th August, 1962, the French establishments

of Pondicherry, Karikal, Mahe and Yanam became territories of the

Indian Union with effect from that date. This Bill provides for these

territories being specified in the Constitution itself as a Union

territory called 'Pondicherry'. Under article 81(1)(b) of the

Constitution, not more than twenty members are to represent the Union

territories in the House of the People. This maximum has already been

reached. The Bill accordingly seeks to increase this number to

twenty-five to enable representation being given immediately to

Pondicherry in the House of the People and to provide for future

contingencies. The Bill also provides for representation of the

territory in the Council of States.

It is proposed to create Legislatures and Councils of Ministers in the

Union territories of Himanchal Pradesh, Manipur, Tripura, Goa, Daman

and Diu and Pondicherry broadly on the pattern of the scheme which was

in force in some of the Part C States before the reorganisation of the

States. The Bill seeks to confer necessary legislative power on

Parliament to enact laws for this purpose through a new article 239A

which follows generally the provisions of article 240 as it stood

before the reorganisation of the States.

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14y ago

Congress pass the 14th Amendment providing citizens to all persons born in the United States.(Dred Scott Vs Sandford).

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13y ago

all persons born in the united states, except native Americans, and those who later become citizens are citizens of the united states and of the state in which they live

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13y ago

That's not the right answer.grr I ask why the fourteenth amendment wad created not what is the fourteenth mad now.

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11y ago

The 14th amendment was passed after the Civil War. It was passed to guarantee that newly liberated slaves would be considered citizens and equal to others under the law.

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