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So they could get their business done. Imagine being in that room. They started in May to work on the constitution and May in the east coast is mild, but the humidity is just starting. The closed the windows, were wearing wool suits buttoned to the neck, and had to use candles for light. They worked through to Sept. so by then it was really hot in that room and the humidity must have been awful. Yet they worked on and actually produced something that has lasted 200 years. I don't think we could do it today. Look, at the mess with the health care bill. Maybe if Congress had taken the same method to work and not say anything to anyone they could have actually gotten something done. The health care bill is a perfect example why some items need to be done in secret until they are finished.

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15y ago
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15y ago

I think that their was to many indivuals with their own special interest pulling at the delegates, just as today and the only way to keep them at bay was to close it to all indivuals and special interest groups. Roy Turner

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10y ago

To make sure it was to be enforced before the people realized what had taken place. Something like the late night congressional meetings of today.

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