In the 1800's the Southern states wanted to continue importing and using slaves because it was an economic boost. The North wanted to ban slavery. The southern states were also angered by raising tariffs, however the tariff compromise of 1833 quelled the South's rage.
The North South conflict in the United States of America was over slavery. The South wanted slavery and the North wanted to abolish slavery.
The North section of the country. Proposed by Alexander Hamilton.
The Republicans.
A major event was the conflict between the North and South about how African Americans should be treated. The South thought they should be slaves while the North thought opposite. Fights began to go through and it got worse and worse until a war began.
The Seabees, organized as Navy Task Force 90, played a prominent role in the Passage to Freedom, during the Vietnam conflict. Their efforts, along with French, British, and South Vietnamese governments, evacuated 310,000 refugees from North Vietnam.
The extintion of slavery.
The increasing political conflict between north and south
His concern over an inevitable conflict between the North and South
in 1950th.
this was calleds the Civil War, a conflict between the North and the South.
The extension of slavery
The civil war soldiers viewed the war between the North and South as a new kind of conflict because it was the first war Between the States.
The conflict between the two countries has been ongoing for decades, causing tension in the region.
the conflict in North Vietnam
they didnt agree in the same type of government.
Slavery was one cause of conflict between the north and the south.