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Railroads in the west got rights of way for as much as ten miles on either side of the tracks. Towns sprang up where steam locomotives had to stop to get water. In those towns, the railroads built storage silos to accumulate the farmers' crops until a quantity was sufficient to load grain cars in an economical way. If a farmer did not use the railroad silos and the railroad cars, the crops would spoil before they could be transported in any other way to processing plants. There was no alternative, there was no competition. Whatever the railroad charged was the monopoly cost of getting that season's crop to market.

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Q: Why were railroads able to charge high prices to carry farmers' products?
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Why did farmers had to pay extremely high prices to transport grain?

Farmers had to pay high prices to transport grain due to monopolistic practices of railroads, lack of competition, and long distances to markets. Railroads often charged exorbitant rates because they could take advantage of the farmers' lack of other transportation options, leading to high costs for shipping their produce.

During the Great Depression crop prices did what?

Well, the prices for people to buy the products went up and as did the seeds needed to grow the crops. Farmers got less for the crops and so they lost money. Railroads also tied in in a way. since almost no farmers could afford to get their crops shipped to well populated cities, railroads raised their prices in attempt to get more money faster, but ultimately that failed because farmers couldn't pay for the transportation. However if the farmers could pay for the train transportation, they didn't sell very much in the cities. Does this help? :)

Why were railroads important to farming?

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How did corporations make it difficult for small farmers to compete in late 19th century?

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