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the Normans are so keen because they are jealous

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Q: Why were the Normans so keen to claim that this oath to place?
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The English so keen to claim that Harold Godwin was tricked into taking the oath because well I don't know really probily because he was washed ashore in an unknown place

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The oath took place for Obama in Washington D.C.

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The tennis court oath took place on an indoor tennis court in Versailles France

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What means to make an affirmation?

When you make an affirmation you are giving your word that what you say is true. Affirmations can be used in place of an oath for people who oppose taking an oath for religious reasons.

What is the past tense of oath?

There is no past tense - oath is a noun. However you do "swear an oath", so the past tense of "She swears an oath" would be " She swore an oath".

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no oath

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There is no oath.

The most popular and appropirate place for the vice president to take his oath was in the?

i guess in mrs. collins' class lol

What is important about the oath?

It is a oath that makes you the president