they would oppose the US government because they believe in abolishing the government. In other words, they do not want a government.
They were concerned that getting the government involved would hurt states' rights.
The anti-federalists objected the constitution because they thought it made the central government too strong and feared that the US would become a monarchy.
uh no
Money would become unimportant and the value of our currency would plummet.
I assume it would be the FCC.
You have to report it to the government, so that the government could take care of the problem
Because Vietnam's government was communist
They were concerned that getting the government involved would hurt states' rights.
The anti-federalists objected the constitution because they thought it made the central government too strong and feared that the US would become a monarchy.
It made it dangerous to oppose the draft.
Anarchy IS a form of government, despite the dictionary's definition. The (proven) theory of Anarchy would take power from the sovereigns, politicians or aristocrats by means of a coup d'etat (Unless you're an Anarcho-Pacifist, though I'm not sure how that works, or an Anarcho-Individualist which has nothing to do with government really, it's just a personal way of ilving, free of government oppression) and after the people have seized power, they'd set up communities, which would interact amongst each other but would be mostly autonomous. The citizens of each community would have a town hall type meeting to discuss issues and then if the issue wasn't resolved, they'd select delegates (different delegates every time so no one has too much power) and they'd meet with surrounding communities. It's actually a very interesting and effective form of government.
we do not oppose US culture we just brought our traditions into America.
I would oppose such an amendment as a violation of states' rights as well as the civil rights of Americans.
The us governments response to the rise of these political philosophies was to demonize them and instill fear of them. They are the reason there is fear in the first place. Who has more fear of the end of government or capitalism than the people who benefit from them the most?
Anarchists tend to not have protests in any nation due to the idea of uniting in order to work together on a common goal goes against the basic political philosophy of anarchists.
They would oppose the idea
Castro collectivized agriculture and cut off diplomatic relations with the untied states