Hours were long, Conditions were bad and pay was low. This of course only counts for the real working class but like now there will have being working class people with a job they liked, and got paid well for.
Friedrich Engels wrote The Condition of the Working Class in England in 1844.
Organized Labor is improving working conditions. :}
No, Octavia Hill was never married. She is known for being a social reformer in England and she died in 1912.
{| |- | They formed Unions. This gave them more bargaining power. The unions helped promote reasonable working conditions, reasonable pay and more respect for the workers. |}
Life in the working class in 1912 was often challenging, with long hours, low wages, and poor working conditions in factories and mines. Many families lived in overcrowded and unsanitary conditions, with limited access to healthcare and education. Workers often faced exploitation and lacked job security.
What one cent coin? The king of England in 1912 was George V.
the factory conditions were really bad. they were uninsulated and had very bad air but also had bad hours and low pay
Try "The Condition of the Working Class in England" by Friedrich Engels.
There hasn't been a queen of England since 1603. In 1921, George V was king of the United Kingdom (which includes England). His wife was Queen Mary.
Working people living in Manchester during the late 19th century were forced to live in terrible conditions. [- apex
The factory act improved the conditions of industrial workers in England during the 19th Century. The act regulated the working conditions of workers. But most factory owners ignored these act till later.
On April 10, 1912 when the Titanic departed from Southampton, England, the weather was calm and clear with relatively mild temperatures. There were no extreme weather conditions reported that could have affected the ship's voyage.
Try "The Condition of the Working Class in England" by Friedrich Engels.
the conditions were terrible many englanders wanted freedom but then the speech that jacjon made overcame the fear of factories of little kids
Forrest England was born on 1912-10-29.