A creature with brass feathers capable of piercing a humans skin would be the Stymphalian Bird of Greek mythology.
hades was greatly feared by humans and was never in contact with humans for, he never left the underworld.
i dont think he did communicate with humans
The fairy saddle corgi is a mythical creature in folklore that is said to be a magical dog with the ability to carry fairies on its back. In mythology, the corgi is often associated with the fairy realm and is believed to bring good luck and protection to those who encounter it. The corgi's presence in folklore symbolizes loyalty, companionship, and the connection between humans and the supernatural world.
It made humans and gods fall in love.
-because thats where humans evolved
You have to be a bird to grow feathers. humans don't grow feathers.
Humans do not have feathers because we are mammals, not birds. Feathers are unique to birds and are used for flight, insulation, and display purposes. Humans have evolved hair instead of feathers to regulate body temperature and protect the skin.
A jinn (or djinn) is a supernatural creature in Islamic mythology, made of smokeless fire and capable of both good and evil actions. They are said to live in a parallel world to humans and have free will like humans.
potato chips have feathers
Yes, the word 'creature' simply refers to ' ..any living being'. Even the bible says that Jesus sent his disciples out into the world and told them to teach the gospel to "..every living creature". Certainly, He was not talking about the animals, but to every human.
Yes, humans are capable of both great kindness and immense cruelty.
sometimes humans
Humans evolved from a lemur-like creature. lemur have a heart and so does human. lemur-like creature has hands, legs, and face like us human do.