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Displaying a wreath on the front door of one's house on during the Christmas holiday is borrowed from ancient Rome's New Year Celebration.

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Q: A modern Christmas custom borrowed from ancient Rome's new year celebration is?
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How Christmas trees came a part of Christmas?

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When did Christmas trees become popular?

"Christmas Trees" have a long history that predates the birth of Christ. In ancient times evergreen trees were used to decorate homes for celebration of winter feasts. Martin Luther is said to have introduced the custom to the Christian religion. For a more detailed history click on the link below.

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Is there Christmas celebration in the Bible?

As we know it, today... the Bible commands no "celebration" of Jesus' "birthday," nor refers to anything called "Christmas." Birthday celebrations are a pagan custom not observed by any of those in the Bible whom God called.The Bible does record one pagan ancient Babylonian custom and tradition, however, that is an integral part of the modern "Christmas" celebration. God inspires it through Jeremiah, the prophet of record who oversaw the destruction and captivity of the "House of Judah" [the Jews] by Babylon.But Jeremiah is "inspired" to address the message to the "House of Israel"... the lost ten tribes who were defeated and scattered by Assyria more than a century prior to Jeremiah's birth and Judah's captivity.These "lost" descendants of Abraham are warned not to learn nor participate in an ancient Babylonian custom and tradition that bears a striking and frightening resemblance to the modern "Christmas tree":"Hear ye the Word which the Lord speaketh unto you, O House of Israel: Thus saith the Lord, Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them."For the customs of the people are vain [worthless]: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe. They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not." (Jer.10:1-4)God caused this "vain pagan [and ecologically destructive] custom" to be recorded for the latter day generations of His elect to keep them informed of His ways and His plan. He tells the latter day generations of the House of Israel [who, thousands of years ago, began to think of themselves as Gentiles, and who don't even know who they are today] not to "learn" this ancient "religiously vain" pagan "way."And today, not only do they "learn" it... but ignorant and deceived modern day parents go out of their way to "teach" it to their children.So, while the Bible commands no such pagan birthday celebration of Jesus Christ... it does mention and condemn certain ancient pagan vanities that are elements of the modern "Christmas" tradition that people [religious and non-religious alike] observe annually with a certain orgiastic enthusiasm.

Where can an individual learn how to make custom Christmas pens?

Custom Christmas pens can be made from many different pen making websites online. Vista Print is one example that accept custom designs and puts them into pen form.