I did a magnificently good job on doing my project for my science class, that I got a metal for just doing a great job.
I Loveprehostory.
explain why estimating is helpful. use at least one sentence to explain.it is 2 1/4 =0.7
i almost forgotten my homework
Senusret ruled in the middle kingdom.
The severe glance of the headmistress silenced the group magnificently.
In a splendid manner; magnificently.
magnificently, regally, majestically
After we had read the book Julius Caesar, we descanted about the repercussions of killing a political figure.-Using descant in its primary sense: The soloist created her own descant, soaring magnificently above the choir.
Marvelous mountains magnificently majestically mask the mist.
i am guessing that you want to know how many it has, and the answer to that question is 5.
No, the word magnificent is not an adverb.The adverb form of the word "magnificent" is magnificently.
magnificently huge just like my fist
Because All Good TV Shows Have To end And Frasier Ended Magnificently.
The astronaut described the surface of the Moon as "magnificent desolation." The Taj Mahal is a magnificent structure built in India in the 17th century. There are many magnificent examples of the sequoia within the national park.
No one know but yours truly Erin hunter the author of the magnificently written warriors series.
Magnificent is an adjective. For example: She painted a dramatic landscape of magnificent mountains. Magnificently, a derivative of magnificent, is an adverb.