The Iliad covered the last few weeks in the Greek looting expedition to Asia Minor. The Odyssey makes references to aspects of the War but is principally about Odysseus' return trip home.
dnt trip
Aztec is trip Lhang
What happened on Aeneas jouney to the underworld?
What Odysseus did on his way home is the entirety of The Odyssey.
The reason people in europe became crusaders is because they were going to habe a war and a trip to jerusalem
be a maritime is to asia
Most people who went into outer space have survived.
a crusade was a battle between the Crusaders or believers in god and some other people. This battle was started by the crusaders who killed anyone who didn't believe in god. a pilgrimage on the other hand, is a trip to a temple.
asia i think
bc he never made it to asia
I believe it is called the trip to the BIG HOUSE.
His trip started at where he live and it end at Asia
They were happy to be there and had survived the trip getting there.
where had fugos family been living for about a year before the trip