His mother was Thetis.
However, it should be noted that Calibos was only a character in the movie "Clash of the Titans"(1981) and was never a character in Greek mythology.
His mother is the goddess of the sea, Thetis.
Freya's mother is the goddess Njord in Norse mythology.
According to Greek mythology, Eros, Cupid's Greek equivalent, lived on Mt. Olympus, with his mother, Aphrodite/Venus.
His mother is the goddess of the sea, Thetis.
No. His mother was Thetis. However, it should be noted that Calibos was only a character in the movie "Clash of the Titans"(1981) and was never a character in Greek mythology. Also his father is likely Abas, for Calibos was "Acrisius".
In Greek mythology, the gods/goddesses were the children of Gaia(mother earth) and Uranus(the sky).
According to the novel and Greek mythology, Chiron's father is Kronos, the Titan Lord and his mother was Philyra.
His mother was Maia.
Joppa is the kingdom cursed by Calibos in the 1981 movie "Clash of the Titans", and is set free of that curse by the demi-god hero Perseus. The Kingdom of Joppa was a promising Greek city-state with, since the beautiful princess Andromeda was to be married by the eccentric and powerful prince Calibos. Unfortunately Zeus cursed Calibos with a monstrous appearance for eliminating his entire herd of flying horses, leaving only Pegasus. His mother Thetis cursed Joppa to suffer as her son has suffered.
Pluto's mother was Demeter, the goddess of agriculture and fertility in Greek mythology. She was also known as Ceres in Roman mythology.
because of his cruelty in the nature Calibos was spoiled by his mother, but he was handsome. Zeus gave him the wells of the moon in his care but Calibos instead hunted trapped and killed every living creature. Including Zeus' herd of sacred flying horses, all except the one remaining horse Pegasus. As punishment for his shameful mark of vile cruelty, Zeus transformed him into a being abhorrent to human sight, becoming a mortal mockery and thus being shunned and forced to live as an outcast in the swamps and marshes. He had horns, a devil tale, and the face of a demon. His mother, Thetis (Goddess of the sea), retaliated by punishing Andromeda and the city. She ordered Andromeda to be killed as a virgin, or the city would suffer and be destroyed by a sea monster- the kraken.
Your Mother
Freya's mother is the goddess Njord in Norse mythology.
Apollo's Roman mother is Leto, a Titaness in Greek mythology. In Roman mythology, she is known as Latona.
Leda, the Queen of Sparta, is the mother of Castor and Pollux. According to Greek mythology, Leda gave birth to the twins after being seduced by Zeus in the form of a swan.