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An immortal centaur who is the trainer of heroes also the son of the titan cronos

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that there is this flame and that the godsand goddesses move with the heart of the west.

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None, he's a centaur.

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Q: Acording to Greek mythology who is Chiron?
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What is the famous centaur teacher in Greek mythology?


Who tutored Achilles and Hercules in Greek mythology?

Chiron the only centaur god

What was Chiron in Greek mythology?

Chiron in Greek mythology was considered the best of the best centaur, which is half man, half horse. Centaurs were considered to be wild and lusty, and heavy drinkers which lead to violence. But Chiron was smart, kind and civilized, the opposite of the other centaurs, which made him more superior.

How was Chiron important to Greece?

Chiron was the mentor of many prominent Greek heroes and figures, according to mythology. He was also a notable healer and scholar.

Is kronos both Zeus and chiron's father?

Yes,Kronos The Titan Lord of greek mythology is both Zeus the most reconizable ancient greek and roman god ,and chiron an ancient greek centaur's father.

Who is Chiron's mother and father in Percy Jackson and the Olympians?

According to the novel and Greek mythology, Chiron's father is Kronos, the Titan Lord and his mother was Philyra.

Which centaur raised Achilles in Greek mythology?

Chiron, not to be confused with Charon the boatman on the river Styx.

What was Chiron famous for?

He trained many of the ancient greek heroes. He was a centaur, was known as the greatest hero trainer in all of greek mythology

How are the centaurs important in Greek mythology?

They are an obstacle to Heracles That is correct but also, a famous centaur was Chiron, he was Kronos' son and trained Achilles.

Who was aesculapius teacher?

Aesculapius' teacher was the Chiron, a centaur, unlike other centaurs who are known for their lust, violence and drunkenness, Chiron was wise. He was also tutor to other hero's in Greek mythology such as Heracles( Hercules) and Achilles.

What is chiron greek name?

Χειρων means Chiron.

Which god created chiron?

Cronus and Philyra are in Greek myth the parents of Chiron.