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An ancient Egyptian burial building that looks like a flat-topped bench is a mastaba.

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Q: An ancient Egyptian burial building that looks like flat-topped bench?
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Ancient Egyptian burial building?

in a pyramid

What is an ancient egyptian burial building that looks like a flat topped bench with sloped sides called?

These are referred to as 'mastabas'. Search google for that term.

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What is the ancient Egyptian burial place?

It's inside a pyramid.

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no temples are like burial tombs

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A chamber made for the king or queen of Egypt, after death, they are put in burial chambers.

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SARCOPHAGUS - ancient Egyptian burial coffin, or any such coffin or tomb

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The likely word is sarcophagus (burial vault or coffin, notably ancient Egyptian).

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Burial chambers for important ancient Egyptians, especially the Pharaohs.

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The opening of the mouth ceremony, offering of food, weighing of the heart, burial ceremony

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