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Greece was not a country, it was an ethnic classification, and covered hundreds of independent city-states located around the Mediterranean and Black Seas. Each had its own leaders, who morphed from kings to aristocrats and tyrants to elected leaders as the political systems evolved.

Well known leaders included Cleisthenes, Ephialtes and Pericles who brought in democracy in Athens; kings and war leaders Cleonomes, Leonidas and Pausanias of Sparta; Epaminondas and Pelopidas generals of Thebes.

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  • They learnt to read- in school or at home
  • They learnt important household skills-spinning, weaving, sewing, cooking and other household jobs
  • Learnt simple facts on mythology, religion and occasionally Musical Instruments
  • Spent most of their time in her household with other women- only leaving the house to perform religious duties

when married they:

  • Girls got married in their teens, often to a man in his 30's
  • After a woman got married, she and her husband would give offerings to the god's and share a cake with her husband
  • Her father would chose her husband- for most Athenians, marriage was basically living together
  • Marriage may have been arranged from a very early age, if the daughter came from a wealthy family
  • The ancient Greek girl did not know or meet her husband until the dowry(the girl's portion of the father's estate) and betrothal had been agreed to
  • It was important that the ancient girls were virgins
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Q: Ancient Greece leaders and what was expected of the citizens?
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What was expected of citizens of ancient Greece?

they were expecting changes from alexander the great, in the government.

Who were the leaders and what was expected of citizens in ancient Greece?

The city-states had a variety of political systems - monarchy, oligarchy, tyranny and democracy which changed over time. The citizens earnt a living, carried out family and religious duties, formed the army and navy. The leaders were responsible for organising all this.

In ancient Greece a tyrant differed from other leaders because he?

He allowed slavery in ancient Greece.

In ancient Greece how frequently did the leaders change and how were changes made?

Leaders in ancient greece changed every while. Leaders were selected once the previous leader died. All male citizens voted for the new leader. The assembly picked five ephors to enforce laws and collect taxs.

Who were the leaders and what was expected of the citizens of Greece?

The city-states had a variety of political systems - monarchy, oligarchy, tyranny and democracy which changed over time. The citizens earnt a living, carried out family and religious duties, formed the army and navy. The leaders were responsible for organising all this.

Which statement best summarizes the role citizens play in a democracy?

C. Citizens are expected to actively participate in the political process. (Apex)

How frequently did leaders change in Ancient Greece?


Where did the leaders of ancient Greece live?

In their own homes.

Were leaders in Ancient Greece called Kings?


What is the language of ancient Greece citizens?

Greek or Hellenic.

In ancient Greece a tyrant differed from other leaders in that he?

Allowed slavery .

Why did the citizens of ancient Greece throw rubbish into the street?

because they had monew