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Drama as we know it today.

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Q: Ancient Greeks were the first to write and perform what?
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Did Greeks write mythology?

Write it? No, not often, the great poets and story tellers wrote down the myths they knew so there is a record of sorts of the myths that people spoke of among each other in ancient times.

Did ancient Romans write the first biographies?

The ancient Romans did not exactly write the first biographies, but they certainly improved them. Throughout the civilized parts of the ancient world it was common for kings or leaders to have things written to honor them, but these were mostly listings of their deeds. The Romans actually wrote about the men themselves, such as Nepos in his Life of Atticus, Suetonius in his twelve Caesars and Plutarch in his Parallel Lives.

What does ancient Egypt and ancient mesopotamia have in common?

first, they were in the same time period. secondly, ancient Mesopotamia and ancient Egypt both have natural barriers, like mountains, and deserts. also, they both try to invent ways of communicating, like things to write on(clay tablet for Mesopotamia, and papyrus paper for ancient Egypt).

What did ancient Indians write with?


What was the name of ancient Egypt?

.....Egypt.....Answer: The ancient Egyptians had several different names for their own country. Hieroglyphs did not record vowels, so we can not know how these names were said:kmt "the black land", meaning the fertile, dark soil along the Nilehr idbwy "the two banks of Horus", meaning the riverbankstA mri "the beloved country"the letters A and i are used to write consonant sounds that do not exist in English.

Related questions

What did ancient Greeks write?

They were the first people to write the alphabet. The Ancient Greek's

Did Ancient Greeks write on tablets?


Were greeks the first to write plays?


Did the Greeks and Romans write about the history of any Ancient Civilizations that came before them?


What did the Ancient Greeks write on their newspapers?

they had most of the similar topics like the ones we have today

What type of literature were the Greeks the first to write?

The first type of literature that the Greeks wrote was Drama.

Did ancient Greeks read and write?

it depends on which section of the social class they belonged to and whether they were male or female

What did the ancient Greeks draw and write on?

Each others backs. And that's not all they did on each others backs!

What lessons would the Ancient Greeks have in school?

They learned to read and write,music,arithmetic,physical education.

What do designs on ancient greek vases represent?

Greek Vases present what the Greeks used to write ON CHEESE

Why did the Ancient Greeks write plays and comedies?

Because such form of art fit as the mirror of the society they live in.

After the Dark Age of Greek civilization how did the Greeks learn to write again?

They still had all of the teachers and the grown ups just put all the kids back into the's one of these:They discovered old scrolls left behind by the Minoans and Mycenaeans.They adapted the Phoenician alphabet to their own languageThey learned Sumerian cuneiform and changed it over the years.The Macedonians taught them to write after they were conquered by Alexander the Great.