they are responsible for their own tragedies because their actions cause them to die
There are actually four main characters in the story of Echo and Narcissus: Zeus, Hera, Echo, Narcissus.
The nymph that was spurned by Narcissus was Echo.
his crime was he hurt echo
-echo was a nymph who loved narcissus -narcissus loved himself -pan loves echo -narcissus died cause he wouldn't stop looking at himself to eat -echo died of depression from losing narcissus -pan continued his life as a god
Echo fades, Narcissus dies and becomes the flower we know today.
they are responsible for their own tragedies because their actions cause them to die
Mostly because of gods.
For one thing Echo was a girl and Narcissus was a boy. Another thing was that Narcissus was very cruel to Echo.
There are actually four main characters in the story of Echo and Narcissus: Zeus, Hera, Echo, Narcissus.
The nymph that was spurned by Narcissus was Echo.
his crime was he hurt echo
-echo was a nymph who loved narcissus -narcissus loved himself -pan loves echo -narcissus died cause he wouldn't stop looking at himself to eat -echo died of depression from losing narcissus -pan continued his life as a god
Echo fades, Narcissus dies and becomes the flower we know today.
some weaknesses for echo and narcissus
Echo is a girl. Narcissus is a boy. Echo could only repeat the last words. Narcissus died.
Hera punished Echo, for aiding and abetting Zeus in his infidelity. Aphrodite punished Narcissus for breaking Echo's heart.
Narcissus spurned the nymph Echo.