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Q: Can a person be unstoned some how after looking ito Medusa's eyes?
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Why is Percy so careful about wrapping medusas head?

Medusa is a mythical creature that can turn anyone to stone if you look into her eyes. Even when the head to severed it is still capable of turn you to stone. In that case, Percy must carefully wrap the head without looking into her eyes.

How could they pass the geass to the another person?

by looking in the eyes

How can a person know if they are dealing with a sociopath?

looking in their eyes is the best bet. the eyes tell all

What if both of us were looking into each others eyes what does that mean?

eyes are the first informer of our heart. everybody can understand the language of eyes and a person without eyes is a person with a very big heart

When you lie does you nose grow?

No, but there are physical non-verbal signals that do tell when you lie. One of the big ones is not looking a person in the eyes, but looking down/shifting the eyes.

Why is Percy so careful about wrapping up medusas servered head?

Because even severs she can still turn him into stone if he looks into her eyes

What are medusas?

She is able to turn people to stone and is beautiful

Who is the hero in snake eyes?

the person that's looking at it cause of the reflecting BY ODETTE DELVALLE

Doe's your nose grow when you tell lie's?

No, but there are physical non-verbal signals that do tell when you lie. One of the big ones is not looking a person in the eyes, but looking down/shifting the eyes.

Why would a person not make eye contact or turn away from a person they are speaking to?

Some people are simply shy about looking directly into another person's eyes. On the other hand, at a given time a person may avoid the other person's eyes becase he is keeping a secret and is afraid of revealing it if the other person looks him in the eyes directly.

What is a boy thinking about when he stares into a girls eyes?

There just looking into the other person with love not thinking at all.

What happens if a girl tells you that you are not looking at her eyes?

You are probably not looking at her eyes.