Translate For Cortes and help him defid the Aztecs
"The people rule."
Roughly ... what day is this? What day is it today?
Between Rivers or land in between rivers
We have yet to translate the Analects from Chinese to English as far as I know.
Latin is a very specific and precise language. If something were literally placed on the ground between you and me, it would be inter nos, in between us.You probably want to say "among us", which is ad nos or apud nos.
Between us !
nos tutus vos
"When do we see each other again?"
Sumus stercora et cogitamus nos esse.
I wish in our faith/loyalty ... with bad grammar
Realmente nos gusta ver la televisión.
Christus inter nos is "Christ among us". Christ in us would be Christus in nobis
we will contact you as soon as possible
Each letter corresponds with nos. on your phone. Ea. no. typically has 3 letters underneath.
Saint Kitts nos protexa:)
alius, alia. another; other. E.g., 'inter alia' (among other things)