No because is still a name! If you can't use your own name, you can't use a Greek god or goddess' name!
Well many words derive from the gods' names, such as volcano from the roman god Vulcan, and many words derive from the Greek muses (eg. museum etc.). Also, my grandma always used to say 'By Jove' when we were in trouble, Jove being the Roman for Zeus.
There are a lot of movies with references, but I can't think of any teams. Products often use Greek myth names. The one I can think of is Nike. That is why there are wings on the shoes. Some car names have also been from myth.
Temples were very important because the greeks had a very great influence to gods. They built great temples with decorations. They were very serious in matters of gods. They were a regular part in greek life. They were for religious use and they are equivalent to the church across the street.
Mercury - Greek = Hermes, the messenger of the gods - older name was Stilbon, the gleamingVenus - Greek = Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty, older name was Phosphoros, bringer of lightEarth - Greek = Gaia, mother earthMars - Greek = Ares, the god of war, also known as Areos aster, star of AresJupiter - Greek = Zeus, king of godsSaturn - Greek = Kronos, the god of agricultureThe names we use now are all Roman in origin except Uranus and Earth, but the naming conventions were maintained with the more recently discovered planets.Uranus - Greek, god of the heavensNeptune - Greek = Poseidon, the god of the sea.Pluto - Greek = Hades, the god of the underworld
In the Greek myths there was no great variey. Most common were bows and arrows. Though most gods had bows, some gods had a lance or spear. Poseidon had his trident, Zeus a bunch of lightnings. Hercules had a big sword.
They were the first believe of the Greeks. Then there was no explanation for the things that happened to them. Now we use their names because of the myths told about them.
Planets and stars have Greek names because of the influence of Greek astronomy and mythology on the Western world. Many of the names we use for celestial bodies, such as Jupiter, Saturn, and Venus, are derived from Greek and Roman gods and goddesses. This tradition has persisted over time, even as our understanding of the universe has evolved.
Well many words derive from the gods' names, such as volcano from the roman god Vulcan, and many words derive from the Greek muses (eg. museum etc.). Also, my grandma always used to say 'By Jove' when we were in trouble, Jove being the Roman for Zeus.
Styx is the Underworld river the Greek gods and goddesses swear oaths upon.
No. Language names are proper nouns, which are not allowed in Scrabble.
No. Proper names (capitalized words) are not allowed in Scrabble.
akal purakh or waheguru
Most of them use a bow and arrows.
Her head she didn't use it but some gods did.
No, scrabble doesn't allow proper nouns such as place names, peoples names or brand names.
Romeo and Juliet came from the story of Pyramus and Thisbe
No. Proper names are not allowed in Scrabble.