Yes; Medusa and her sisters were the three gorgons.
she was poisedens girlfriend, but athena caught them making out in her temple, so she turned medusa into an ugly monster along with her other 2 sisters the became known as the 3 gorgans
they "dated" but were caught in Athena's temple and she turned medusa and her sisters into gorgons
Medusa went into Athene's temple and Poseidon was spying on her and then Poseidon raped her in front of Athene so Athene got furious and said the that wasn't going to happen again so Athene turned Medusa into a gorgon because she said that it was Medusa's fought.Then Athene found out that Medusa had two sisters so Athene said that Medusa's sisters were probably are going to do the something so she turned then into gorgon. Medusa was probably 25 years old when she was turned into a ugly gorgon
Medusa was called Medusa... She had two sisters; Euryale and Stheno. They were the three Gorgons. Euryale and Stheno were immortal. Medusa was not.
Medusa was the daughter of Phorcys and Ceto, and unlike her monstrous sisters, Stheno and Euryale, was born mortal and quite beautiful. Medusa and her sisters were known as the Gorgons.
Medusa was not a criminal. She was a monster. The only people she ever associated with were her sisters, Stheno and Euryale.
The two mythical sisters of Medusa were Stheno and Euryale.
Sthenno and Euryale were sisters of Medusa.
Medusa's sisters were immortal and could not die.
Medusa and her two sisters (collectively known as the Gorgons) were cursed by Athena to have hideous appearances (e.g. snakes for hair) and gazes that turned people to stone. If Percy had looked Medusa in the eye, he would have ended up as an addition to her statue collection.
medusa and her gorgon sisters were nymphs posiedon was "dating" medusa athena caught them in her temple and turned medusa and her sisters into gorgons
Stheno and Euryale were the immortal Gorgons and sisters to Medusa.
Medusa had no brothers but had 2 sisters named Sentheno and Euryale
I think it was part of the punishment. Athena turned Medusa ugly because she was angry at her, and she also turned Medusa's sisters ugly.
no she only had 2 sisters Stheno and Euryale and her parents were Phorcy and ceto