The Egyptians were able to make a type of paper from papyrus.
Yes they did
The Ancient Egyptians would have made their clothing in their own houses. They used flax to make linen. Then, they soaked it and used the resulting fibers and spun it to make thread. They then used the thread to make robes.
to fight people and make them look like their lezbians
Yes; bronze and silver trumpets were found in the tomb of Tutankhamun.
Egyptians attacked Kush because of Kush's gold and silver.
Faience, gold, glass, silver, bone, ivory, wood etc.
Copper, gold, bronze, silver
Egyptians used papyrus stems to make paper
Egyptians did not make gold, they found it and carved to were they used it on sacred things, such as tomb stones, ect.
baboons and skins of animals and gold and silver and myrrh trees
the advances Egyptians made paper, and the system of hieroglyphs
They cooked it!
From Limestone.
with trees