yes, he had many. i cannot specify the exact battles. hope this helped!
Just one route. He sailed west from Iceland to Greenland.
Yes, with Giants and in Troy.
Cleopatra did not fight in any battles. Remember, she was a woman and women did not go into combat in the ancient world, except in stories and myths. However Cleopatra was at Actium, but her role there was that of an observer or a nuisance, depending on perception.
what were some of ahmose's battles and conquest
There is no Eric in Greek mythology.
It is very likely that any Viking who fought others (in battles or ritual combat) had received stitches at some time in their lives.
yes but it was low
Yes, they are called Thules, and they live in Greenland when Eric the Red explored.
Eric the Red
Yes, the famous Viking explorer is named Erik the Red.
When was Eric the Red born
Eric the red 1
Eric Red 1
Eric Red's birth name is Eric Joseph Durdaller.
Eric the Red in 985 sailing from IcelandEric the Red
He was known as "Eric the Red", but his real name was Eric Thorvaldsson.
Eric Red was born on February 16, 1961.