Hera made many "crimes" for example, if any woman caught the attention of Zeus, she would pester them (or worse).
He was born in Thebes. His mother was Alcmeme amd his father was Zeus. His mother was married to Amphitryon and she slept with both her husband and Zeus on the same night, but Zeus was disguised as her husband. When his mother learned that Hera was angry, she abandoned the child and Athena takes the child to Hera and asks Hera to breast feed him. The breast milk of Hera helps to make the baby strong. Athena then returns the baby to Alcmeme. Originally the baby had been named Alcaeus but he was renamed Hercules because it means glory by the aid of Hera.
she conspired with poseidon to everthrow him because he was becoming a tyrrant
he tricked hera into marrying him by making a big thunderstorm and turning into a bird to make her feel bad than she would have to marry him.
noone knows, you cant look at a god derectly at a god so you cant make a statue and that's how the Greeks showed us so.....'
She succeeded in having Echinda killed. She failed in having Hercules killed.
Make your answer make sense!!(:
Loki, the Norse trickster god, committed a variety of crimes in the Norse mythology. Some of his most notorious acts include orchestrating the death of Balder, the beloved god of light, and causing general chaos and mischief among the gods and mortals. Loki's actions often led to significant consequences and conflict within the Norse pantheon.
Hera used love and compassion to make the meanest people sweet so they could marry
Hera used love and compassion to make the meanest people sweet so they could marry
Mostly war crimes, but I'm not sure which...
hera's power's were to make the meanest peeps sweet enough to marry! how sweet right? ---- i agree
Hera's father, Cronos, had swallowed her at birth because he was afraid that she would overthrow him. Eventually, Zeus managed to make Cronos puke Hera and her siblings back up.
Hera isn't one age. She can make herself look any age she wants. But honestly REALLY OLD.There is no known date for Hera's birth so there is no way to know.
Hera would make sure all lands were safe and bring peace to the skies and mothers, babies, and all women.
Well it is up to you to make your own opinion, Zeus was a habitual cheater, and had many kids that did not belong to Hera (Juno for the Romans).
Yes, murderers can be forgiven if they genuinely repent for their actions, seek redemption, and make amends for the harm they have caused. Forgiveness can be a complex and personal process, but it is possible for individuals to receive forgiveness for even the most severe of crimes.