Troy was a city. According to the Iliad it was defeated by the Greeks. It did not die.
Yes. He died when Apollo shot him in the Achilles Tendon with an arrow.
well Helen princess of Sparta also daughter of zues was crucifixied on a tree
Paris shot him with an arrow in front of the city of Troy in the 10th year of the invasion.
Legend says he died in the tenth year of the war in front of Troy, from an arrow of Paris.
because she cheated on her husband with the prince of troy
William Troy died in 1907.
Jack Troy died in 1995.
Hugh Troy died in 1964.
Troy Kinney died in 1938.
Paddy Troy died in 1978.
Una Troy died in 1993.
Troy Smith - businessman - died in 2009.
Troy Stark died on 2001-06-01.
Troy Herriage died on 2012-01-21.
Troy Davis died on 2011-09-21.
Una Troy Walsh died in 1993.
Troy A. McGill died on 1944-03-04.