No, mostly just pharaohs were buried in pyramids. Some pharaohs actually killed servants to take with them to the afterlife. Pharaohs paid the embalmer to mummify the servants. To the servants it would be a great honor to be mummified and be taken to the afterlife with their king.
No. The Pharoahs ruled ancient Egypt for thousands of years in twenty separate dynasties, and only a very few of them had pyramids.
all the temples and kingdoms
Given that it is Egypt's only river the answer must that all pharaohs used it.
Pharaoh's were the rulers of Ancient Egypt. There were either one or two Pharaohs in Egypt. * Lower Egypt- Wore a red crown. Area between Memphis and nothwards towards the Nile Delta. * Upper Egypt- Wore a white crown. Area between Memphis and southwards to Thebes. * Upper and Lower Egypt- Wore both the red and white crown. Covered all of Egypt. The Pharaohs decided what they wanted to have built such as pyramids or temples. They chose how they cared for their people and their slaves.
Ancient Egyptian Pharaohs wanted such big Pyramids because it was a sign of their power. They wanted everyone to know what they could do. Pharaohs were recognized as Gods in Ancient Egypt. So when they had massive structures the pharaohs wanted them to last for eternity. When they built them they forced everyone to work on them. It was an honor to help build a pyramid. Not only was it forced but only the kings highest members of the family were able to bury the pharaoh. The Pharaohs were buried with gold and all the necessities needed to live in their after life. So pretty much because they can and it shows how powerful they are the more unique and the bigger the higher a pharaoh was believed to be.:)
The rich, like the Pharaohs, were sometimes cruel and rude. The poor were grateful for what they had and they all loved jewelry.
all the temples and kingdoms
The pyramids house the pharaohs of Egypt along with them were buried all the things they needed in the afterlife.
Not building pyramids. Social pyramids. The social pyramid shows all rank of people in Egypt
the sphinix stand in front of all pyramids in giza. it has body of lion and head of pharaohs
In Egypt .Pyramids were built all over the world, but probably the most famous of them all are the Great Pyramids of Giza, in Giza, Egypt.
They were the rulers of ancient Egypt. They owned all the land in retrospect. Pharaohs had many wives.
the tombs & all decorations
Usually the builders did all the work
Given that it is Egypt's only river the answer must that all pharaohs used it.
life today in Egypt is a life of luxury all the way from the pyramids to anciet pharohs life today in Egypt is a life of luxury all the way from the pyramids to anciet pharohs
First of all in Egypt the rulers were called Pharaohs not kings. The pyramids were built by the Pharaohs as tombs for when they died. Until the Pharaoh died the pyramid was essentially untouched after construction.
the people of Egypt believed that the pharaoh was a god. he ruled over all of Egypt.